Writing this in retrospect as time seems to be slipping away like quicksand as it always does at the end of term. The usual school stuff to attend to but with added extras like Easter hat competitions, something I'm more than up for but don't have enough time to give to.
Although I'm feeling stretched for time I had to make space for a yoga lesson as have done my neck and shoulder in again. My teacher Anna put out that she was doing one on The Flats this morning so I duly went to stretch myself out. And what a joy! Dew on the grass, sunshine on my back through forward folds and downward dogs, skylarks warbling in the humps and mounds of their now protected breeding ground, the feeling of connecting with real people after practising online for so many months.
I then had a mish-mash day of work planning emails, half-term holiday arranging, receipt of plant deliveries and rescuing the seeds that the foxes trampled as usual, before it was on to piano lessons, making tea and Easter bonnet prep. Tissue paper flowers, cardboard ears and dried bunny tail ears leftover from our wreath sessions last year all went into the mix on the straw cowboy 'Easter hats' they've had since they were little.
By the time night fell I was almost passing out with tiredness (might also be something to do with the margaritas last night!). The weather also seems like its on the turn again as it felt much colder again this evening and a bit on and off all day.
Looking forward to having a day when I can get the last of the seeds in and plant up the euphorbia, catmint, ferns, hydrangeas 'Little Lime', placement water lily and yellow flag irises. Looks like I'll have to keep them watered for a few days more...