Apparently it's Friday. Totally knackered. Having speed-schooled, arranged three zoom calls for the kids with their teachers and friends and succumbed to the energy-busting merits of Just Dance and then the wonderfully pacifying escapism of David Attenborough's A Perfect Planet (felt strangely at one with a slaughter of iguanas and the currents that swirl in and out of the mangroves), I managed to do some admin, deliver some books on my bike in the freezing cold, have a conversation about a three-cornered leek (Allium triquetrum, I know where you live now – thanks Nick!), stock up on soul food and yogurt (I love yogurt; find your highlights where you can) and tidy the house. Nothing like a tidy to clear the mind.
The kids are on the XBox (always swore I'd never go down the video game route but here we are, they're happy). It is now time for a bloody Mary. Later it will be time for a long bath. Possibly with bath salts; sure I have a stash somewhere infused with lavender, calendula and oatmeal. Might even light some candles. Will definitely have a drink or two. This of course, also possibly wishful thinking depending what time the kids go to bed. I have bribes ready in the form of popcorn.
Finding daily rituals to be my friends but I miss my human ones. And the pub, not that I can really remember the last time I went. Lucky to be safe and warm though. Ambulance sirens on the high street bring it home. Here's to whatever the weekend brings.