There's nothing like a gathering to make you clear up your plot. Not only is it lovely to share your space with friends it also means that the space is a lovelier to hang out in for you too. This morning I reaped the benefit of this by having a peaceful cuppa at the garden table under the shade of the blooming magnolia tree. Having called in the professionals to cut it back hard last year I think this might just be one of it's best.
Today the magnolia was at it's absolute zenith, an explosion of pink and white petals and the first hint of the foliage to come, soft lime lettuce like tips of leaves that will eventually go leathery as they mature. I always make sure to enjoy this most perfect day of the magnolia bloom as the petals will now soon begin to drop. Pretty at first as a carpet of blossom but then I've got a whole load of raking up to do before the fleshy petals go brown!
Another playdate arrived after school, the boys so happy to relax with their friends again. I'm excited for them but getting a little anxious about how I'm going to get all my work done over the next few months if I'm always entertaining the kids. Somehow I need to reclaim a few hours before or after school so Tom and I will need to redo our rota and start splitting the shifts.
My anxiety was short-lived however, for the moment at least, as 5pm was margarita time on The Flats with a fellow Yorkshire lass who always pulls out all the stops on the hosting but manages to make it look oh so casual. Such a delight walking up the road with a beautifully prepared cocktail that we then managed to top up and then down until way after sunset.
Music on. Shoes and socks off. Lying on cardigans. Putting the world to rights. Listening to the skylarks sing. Feeling happy and okay with being slightly deranged. Celebrating impending impromptu meetings. Feeling relieved with this newfound freedom. I'll probably pay for this tomorrow but this particular margarita moment felt like a necessary rite of spring.