Thinking about sowing the next lot of seeds but it's just a bit cold and windy again. The sun is out though... well intermittently.
I'm now looking at the raised beds and the four crowns of rhubarb that I transferred from the front to the back last year have thankfully survived and are positively thrusting up through the earth even though I moved then when they should have been bedding in. They obviously had a nice sleep anyway and are now putting all that reserved energy to good use. It loves a bit of photosynthesising, the old rhubarb!
I've already sown a couple of rows of cut-and-come-again salad bowl leaves and a row of radishes in each bed. Can't seem to default from this arrangement that I do year after year. It's just the easiest way to pick the leaves come rain or shine!
Then I'm thinking kale in the back, but a few more specimens than last year so I can keep them going though the autumn and winter and supplement with other winter veg when the rhubarb dies down again. Thinking about corn on the cob at the back, which the boys will love and also my fave vegetable. A couple of courgettes in each bed (four of the compact variety at the most in each bed Sonya, firm note to self as I always overdo it as love watching them flower and fruit!). And then apart from that it's companion plants, edible flowers and herbs all the way – nasturtiums, calendula, borage, fennel, violas and could I fit in a dahlia or two?
On that note, a job for today is to pot my new dahlia tubers up. Off to set aside and compost up a selection of big 7 inch pots for those now.
Also the magnolia is out in full force, it's so beautiful! Hoping the sunny warm weather coming our way will help keep those unfurling fleshy pink cups of delight fresh and crisp for another few weeks to come.